Thursday, July 19, 2012

New for July 2012!

It's time to share the exciting new release pictures with you! The shops and distributor have their orders and the website has been updated. It has been a bit of insane here, with new release prep, figuring out new curriculum for the coming school year, and the yard/house, but it is all good. There are four new designs:
MBT-124 Bloom

MBT-125 How Great Thou Art

MBT-126 I Love You

There's a story to this one. The munchkin and daddy have this daily conversation of I Love You's. It starts with "I Love You", with the response of "I Love Your More." It went on this way for weeks, and then there was the addition of "I Love You Best." We decided that it had to be charted and it would be something she could stitch for his for Father's Day. Her piece was started a couple of months before the big day, and like a true stitcher is is a slooow work in progress. It will be done for Father's Day, but we won't say which YEAR. This one does fit a standard size frame!

MBT-127 Building Block - Teach

All of the fabric and thread details are at and the charts are available through your favorite needlework shop. If you get one of them finished I would love to see a picture!

We are already starting to work through new accessories for the fall needlework show. I have found a bunch of new beads and am looking at some limited run threaders with a coffee theme as well as a new cat fob and a PINK frog! This afternoon I'm pulling threads for the next cutesy design and it will be a perfect fit with the last few. Have a great weekend!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Home and resting?

We just finished up a trip to northern Idaho to stay with my family and visit Deb from Tempting Tangles. It was a great trip, we arrived home safely, and no one was injured during the days in the mountains or on the lake. Some trees had to come down on the property and we were able to help clear slash and haul wood home for the winter. The munchkin spent hours on the lake and enjoyed running around the woods, getting as dirty as possible. There was wildlife everywhere: deer, turkey, moose, and lots of birds in the trees. God's creation at it's finest!

Speaking of wildlife... we had a visitor in our yard a few weeks ago. A skunk! It was adorable from a distance, waddling about, eating clover, and being cute, but we had to be extra careful not to startle it. I've never been this close to a live skunk and it was no more than 20 feet from our backdoor! We've also had two successful nests of killdeer and it has been a delight to watch the eggs hatch, the little fluffballs emerge, and the babies grow into full grown birds. The adult birds aren't as cute. They're loud. At 5am they're loud. Not so cute then.
Today has been church, errands, and catching up and laundry and cleaning. Not as much rest or stitching as I'd like, but that is life. We spent a bit of time outside, collecting plums from the trees and gathering berries. We had about 1.5 cups of fresh berries and I couldn't help but turn it into a jar of jam. It's a mixture of golden raspberries (yummiest berry ever!), red raspberries and blackberries. It made one lonely little jar of jam, which will likely only last a few days, but it was worth it! We're trying to work through last year's canned fruit and tonight I'm hoping to make a peach cobbler. I'm telling myself that I'm working off the yardwork that I'll be doing later this week :o) Just a few more weeks and the peaches will be ripe for the picking. I can hardly wait!

Keep an eye out here in the next couple of weeks for new release pictures! I have four new releases back from the framer and ready to start printing. Yeah!!! There's an adorable story that goes with one of them, munchkin related.