A wonderful January 2016 to you from a very not snowy northern Idaho. We have had lots of storms through this winter, and have gone between "not getting up the driveway because of the depth of snow and ice" and "rain saturated everything." On Saturday we had four inches of white stuff, and now we are being soaked with rain and it is all melting away. I take comfort in *only* getting the truck stuck once this year, but that low number is probably because I've been too chicken to go out more than necessary.
There have been a lot of very exciting on-goings for MBT. Let's start with the one that has had my head in the clouds for months. Last summer, I was approached by a UK television production studio who wanted to use one of my large designs in their upcoming drama. I had no idea how it would be used, and only had a basic outline of the show, but it was scripture being used in mainstream TV so how could I refuse? AND, I didn't even have to stitch it again! Not only did I not refuse, I giggled and danced and cheered and called friends and relatives! SO, for all of you in the UK, or areas that can watch BBC over there, if you watch "Dickensian" please keep an eye out for my "The Lord is My Shepherd" design. The show premiered last month and I would love to know if you see the needlework in there.

Some other news - this year you will find me in both the JCS Ornament Preview issue and the regular ornament issue. My current stitching project is the ornament for the regular issue, which is a companion to the preview issue, and will eventually be released in a chart with two more companion designs. It is an honor to be asked and I hope you enjoy them when they are published.
More news - the Needlework Show has changed up the format for the show this year. Instead of just the April and October shows, there will be FOUR shows! They will be the 1st-3rd of each month for February, April, August, and October. What does this mean for me? A totally completely crazy January, moving up the new release schedule, coming up with new accessories, and preparing the booth. On February 1 please check out www.NeedleShow.com or www.MyBigToeDesigns.com or www.Wichelt.com or this blog (!) to see four brand new designs (two of which are completely adorable) and some new accessories.
A little more news - I'm already working on the April releases and there will be a new large design that is Christmas themed! Prepare your fat halves of fabric and your favorite thread colors because a new big one is coming!
Final MBT news - if you are planning on doing stitchy gifts for your stitchy friends, now is a great time to schedule custom items! I'm glad to work with you and your favorite LNS to make some unique items for you to give as gifts in your small groups, guilds, retreats, or just for yourself.
On the personal side of things... still no house, and it's okay. We are fifteen months into our transition, which I had only planned on being two months, and it's all good. It still isn't all comfortable, or easy, or painless, but that IS what is so good. We take joy in sharing in a great community, serving, and being the weird neighbors. Homeschooling has settled into a good routine, the cabin remodel is mostly done, and church has been exceptional. The people there have taken us in as family, inviting us sledding and snowmobiling, out for meals and into their lives. I have become more used to the a-frame exposed beam cabin style of my office area and am not hitting my head on the roof with as much frequency. That's one thing to smile about! lol
God bless and remember to take joy in each day. Joy is a choice, an active movement outside of ourselves. Choose joy.